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Merryhills Primary School

Governing Body

Our Governing Body meet once each term, working in partnership with the Leadership Team and acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the school.

There are representatives from staff, parents, the wider community and the local authority who make up the membership of the governing body and they can be contacted via the school office.  The Governing Body comprises four teams; Leadership and Management, Quality of Education, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes.  The teams conduct regular visits, talking to staff and pupils and reporting back.  If you would like to know more about the Governing Body and its important role in school, please contact Penny Deller, the current Chair.

List of Governors for the Year 2023/24

Radhika Banerji

Chair of Governors

I am a GP by training and currently work part time. I was fortunate to have been elected as a parent governor earlier this year. I have really enjoyed my first few months in the role & look forward to continue to support Merryhills & its community.

Julie Murphy
Parent Governor for more than eight years, member of the Resources Committee and Chair of the Progress and Attainment Committee. Currently Lead for Curriculum and co-governor for children with special educational needs and co-governor overseeing literacy in the curriculum.

Richard Hudson – Headteacher


Hannah Croton
I have been a teacher at Merryhills for seven years. During this time, I have led the RE Curriculum and am now currently lead on Music. I am also an appointed member of SACRE which supports the borough’s RE provision. My background is within the Arts, having worked in Music publishing and television and for Christie’s Auctioneers before running my own instrumental teaching business and working for the Enfield Music Service. I am a mother of two girls and enjoy reading, theatre and getting out for long walks when I can!

Penny Deller

I have been a Governor at Merryhills since September 2007 and Chair since 2008. I live and work locally and previously had two children at the school. I work closely with the Headteacher to carry out any duties delegated by the Governing Body. I visit the school regularly, attend school functions, work with the local authority and am accessible to other governors, staff and parents. I represent the school at the Member Governor Forum and am part of the Leadership and Management team within the Governing Body.

Jesal Mistry - Link Governor for Attigo Academy Trust

I am Business Development Director at Legal & General with over 15 years of experience  working in a professional pensions and investment environment. I am focused on providing children with an environment where they can build a strong foundation from which they can go on and achieve their dreams. A particular passion of mine is providing children  with basic financial education

Emmy Beazley-Williams

Parent Governor appointed in March 2022
I am an HR specialist with experience in both the public and private sectors. I have experience of working with client groups, providing a full range of HR expertise across the employee life cycle, including employee relations, policy and wellbeing. In my earlier career, I worked as a Higher Education Events Manager with a strong focus on strategy, engagement and creating supportive and safe working environments.  I have volunteered in the local community over many years, but also founded and chaired a local community group. I have a keen interest in social justice, climate justice and positive change. I have a child at Merryhills and am passionate about the school and my role as Governor.

The Governing Body operates with a  series of teams with specific focus areas.

Name Governor Type Term of Office Team Membership
Penny Deller (Vice Chair) Co-opted 2.10.2023 – 12.03.2028

Leadership and Management

Quality of Education

Radhika Banerji


Parent 10.03.2021 – 13.03.2026

Leadership and Management

Personal Development

Hannah Croton Co-opted 15.03.2021 – 14.03.2025 Behaviour and Attitudes
Julie Murphy Co-opted 23.01.2021 – 22.01.2025 Quality of Education
Emmy Beazley-Williams Co-opted 14.03.2022 – 13.03.2026 Personal Development
Gill Buckland Co-opted 09.07.2024 - 08.07.2028 Quality of Education
Vicky Ward Co-opted 09.07.2024 - 08.07.2028 Behaviour and Attitudes