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Merryhills Primary School

Contact Forms

Contacting a member of staff

If you would like to send a message to a member of staff, you can complete a message form (link below).  You can use this message form, for example, if your child is going home with a friend or if you would like to pass some information to the class teacher.

Please do NOT use this form to notify us of an absence

Parent/Carer message form

Request for telephone conversation 

If you would like to request a telephone conversation with your child’s teacher or a member of senior leadership, please complete a request form (link below). please provide as much information as you can.  Someone will then contact you to confirm a time for the conversation.

Request for telephone conversation

Keeping us informed

If you change your contact details, mobile phone numbers or e mail address please complete the Change of Contact information form (link below).  It is imperative that we have correct telephone numbers and e mail addresses to keep you informed and also in the event of an emergency.

Change of contact form


We are a cashless school which means all payments for school meals, breakfast and tea time clubs, extra clubs and school trips is paid online via our ParentPay system. You will be given a username and password when you child joins Merryhills. We no longer take cheques or cash.

Please use the link to access the ParentPay website: 
