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Merryhills Primary School


Children must come to school wearing the correct school uniform every day.

We like to see all our children wearing the correct uniform; it helps them to be proud of their school and creates a sense of identity and belonging. We have chosen items for our uniform which are practical for school wear and can be purchased from our uniform suppliers (Smiths Schoolwear) and other outlets such as clothes shops and supermarkets.
You can order uniform with the Merryhills School logos either online from the website
http://www.smithsschoolwear.co.uk or in-store at:

Smith’s Schoolwear 
25 Station Road

020 3818 3622

If you have any queries regarding purchasing school uniform, whether it is a general enquiry or a specific enquiry about a placed order, you must ring the suppliers directly.

Smiths Schoolwear Price List 2023 

School Uniform

● Burgundy sweatshirt/cardigan (Merryhills’ logo optional)
● White Polo shirt (logo optional) / white shirt /white blouse
● Grey or black: tailored trousers, tailored shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
● Gingham summer dress (pink/red & white or burgundy & white)
● Socks: grey, black or white
● Tights: black/grey
● Black shoes (no trainers or heels)
● Burgundy fleece with Merryhills’ logo

Uniform Example

P.E. Uniform

● P.E. t-shirt in house colour Ruby (red), Sapphire (blue), Emerald (green), Topaz (yellow)
● Plain Black P.E. shorts
● Burgundy fleece with Merryhills’ logo (Burgundy sweatshirt/cardigan with Merryhills’ logo as an alternative)
● Plain black trainers
● Plain black joggers or plain black leggings suitable for sports activities


Other items

  • Merryhills Book Bag

Additional items can be purchased from our uniform suppliers if you so wish:

  • Merryhills Infant/Junior Backpack
  • Merryhills Drawstring Bag
  • Merryhills Reversible Jacket
  • Merryhills Cap
  • Merryhills Winter Hat

Please note: it is not compulsory for parents to purchase uniform with the school badge. Un-badged uniform is available from supermarkets and clothes shops. All jumpers and cardigans should be burgundy.

Pre Loved Uniform

Smiths Schoolwear also has a pre-loved uniform scheme.

Parents are invited to drop in pre-loved uniform to either of their stores to receive a small thank you off your new purchase (Please note there will be a £10 limit). Parents are asked to only bring items back that still have some life left in them and they feel could be worn by other students.

All of the Pre-Loved uniform will be available to purchase for a fraction of the normal uniform price.

Pre-loved Uniform @ Smiths Schoolwear 

 (All items will be non-returnable).

Uniform donations to school:

You may wish to donate your child's old uniform to school. We ask all our families to donate any uniform that is still in good condition but is no longer used. This includes when children have grown out of items and when they leave the school. Merryhills families can donate pre-loved uniform to the school office and our parent's association hold half-termly pre-loved uniform sales.

Jewellery and Accessories

For health and safety reasons no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of religious items, stud earrings and watches. Children must remove all earrings and watches before P.E. and games lessons otherwise they will not be able to take part in the lesson, and the school cannot accept liability for any such items lost or damaged in school. Make-up and nail polish are not permitted.

Please ensure that all items of uniform, P.E. kit and other belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name.