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Merryhills Primary School

Medical & First Aid

Merryhills has a full time Welfare Assistant and a large number of staff with first aid training. 


Some children take regular medication and other children need to take medication for a short period of time.  In ALL cases the school is unable to administer medication to a child unless we have written consent from their parent/carer.

With written consent, we can administer prescribed medications (short or long term basis) or Pharmacy Only (P) and General Sales Lists (GSL) treatments (that can be purchased over the counter from a pharmacy with or without advice) for a fixed period of time.

Please download, complete and sign the Medication Administration Request Form below. The completed form and labelled medication can be put in the school post box by the office.

Parents/Carers should not give medication directly to teachers as it will need to be checked by the Welfare Assistant first.

Medication administration request Allergies Care Plan Asthma Care Plan Use of School EpiPen Consent Form Use of School Inhaler Consent Form

Accidents and injuries

Minor accidents and injuries will be dealt with in the classroom. This will include scratches, small grazes, paper cuts, minor bumps to the torso/limbs.

More significant injuries will be dealt with in the Welfare Room. Parents/carers will be notified by text message, if appropriate, that their child has received treatment.

If a child is unwell and cannot remain in school we will telephone parent/carers and, if need be, other emergency contacts to arrange for the child to be collected.  There is minimal provision to keep unwell children in school so parents/carers are requested to organise collection promptly.

If a child needs to be taken to hospital and we are unable to reach their parent/carer or emergency contact a member of staff will accompany the child and stay with them until an emergency contact arrives.

Three members of the Reception Team staff have Paediatric First Aid training.  They will deal with all first aid in Early Years.


Please follow the latest NHS guidance on what to do if you or your child is presenting with COVID-19 symptoms. 


NHS Health Guidance for Children over Winter
