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Merryhills Primary School


Enrichment activities and experiences are an essential part of our school curriculum and school offer.

We aim for our children to be responsible, confident members of the community, who are willing to take risks, are able to think critically and reflect and are prepared for adulthood.  During their time at Merryhills, children will take part in:

Class Assemblies 

Each week a class will take a turn to share their learning with families on the Merryhills' Stage.  This is a great opportunity to develop public speaking.  


Final performances and productions play a significant part in our curriculum.  We want our children to have the confidence to speak and perform in front of audiences.  We also know that real life final performances truly bring learning to life.

Year Group Performance/Production  Time of Year
 Reception Festive Sing-a-long Autumn Term  
 Year 1 Nativity Production  Autumn Term
 Year 2 Singing Partnership Festival  Spring Term
 Year 3 Whole Year Group Production   Spring Term
 Year 4 Violin Concert  Autumn Term
 Year 5 Carol Concert at St Mary Magdalene Church  Autumn Term
 Year 6 End of Term Production  Summer Term


As well as individual Year Group productions, the whole school comes together each year to take part in our very own Merry Fest. This is a wonderful chance to be all together and relish in the musical talents around us. It really is a magical afternoon.  

Enrichment Activities  

At Merryhills, the children will have opportunities to take part in varied, rich experiences throughout their time at school. This could be sporting events; debating competitions; hanging their art work in our very own art gallery; dancing or singing at a festival; spelling bees and many more. Whether a child is showing courage by performing a line in a play or spreading positivity across a retirement home, it is these moments that create the memories and the magical moments connected with learning at Merryhills. 


We have a debating club that children can join. As part of this club children will get to compete against other local primary schools.  We proudly competed at the Enfield Mayor's Chambers in 2022/23 which was an incredible opportunity for our children. 


We have had a host of visitors come to Merryhills, talking about careers aspirations; career choices; experiences in South America; training as a professional athlete; school life at Merryhills in the 1940s etc. As well as in person experiences, we have also hosted various authors online through the scholastic schools live programme. We welcome all parents and the wider community to come in and enrich children's knowledge and understanding through their own experiences. If you think you may have something to share/offer please get in contact with the school office and a member of staff will contact you. Children ask the most fascinating questions, so we think you'll enjoy the experience as much as them!  

Examples of previous live author experiences: