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Merryhills Primary School


At Merryhills we have 3 school rules, to be:

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe

At Merryhills we take a positive attitude to behaviour management and we believe our first attention should go to best conduct.  Around the school you will see children being praised, receiving stickers and positive phone calls home, positive notes and WOW cards may be sent home.  Every classroom has a Recognition Board on which we celebrate the successes of the whole class and work together to get everyone’s names displayed.

To help our children succeed, adults will be calm, consistent and fair; we will meet and greet children each morning and will recognise actions and behaviour that are ‘above and beyond’.  We will make use of our Achievement Assemblies each Friday to reward the excellent efforts around our school.  The following awards are handed out:

  • Over and Above Award
  • Values Award
  • Writer of the Week

When school rules are broken we firmly believe in a restorative approach and this shapes our behaviour policy.  We have four stepped sanctions which adults will follow:

  1. Reminder of the rule
  2. Last chance following a micro script
  3. Time out to reflect, with a restorative conversation
  4. Repair

Through research, evidence and our restorative practices, staff are able to guide and lead children effectively to make the right choices.  We recognise that this approach can take time, but by using techniques of enquiry and restorative conversations to get children talking about their behaviour, their feelings and their reactions, we support children to understand their own reactions and those of others and make better choices next time.

At the very core of this policy is the strength of the relationships between Merryhills staff and children at the school. All staff work hard to understand individual children and get to know them on many levels. These relationships are necessary to help identify and understand children’s attachments, effects of possible trauma and any SEND. This knowledge helps to inform our restorative practices, which maximises positive steps and positive behaviour outcomes.

Behaviour Blueprint

Our Behaviour Policy  can be viewed by using the link below:

Behaviour Policy