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Merryhills Primary School

Extra Clubs

At Merryhills we believe in giving your child a well rounded education that allows them to have the opportunity to experience different things that prepares them for life.

As part of the curriculum we are committed to giving our pupils first hand experiences such as taking part in school trips related to class learning and partcicpating in workshops to bring a topic alive!!

We also believe in active lunchtimes where our children enjoy the freedom of our fabulous grounds.

They also have a range of opportunities in the extra curricular clubs that we offer, such as: Football, Netball, Rugby, Cricket, Choir and Cross Country.

The staff at Merryhills volunteer for these clubs as they see how much it benefits our pupils, helping them develop further skills.

We also offer a range of After School Clubs for both Key Stage 1 & 2 which are are run by well established outside agencies, such as:  Karate, Football, Art and French.

We are passionate about sport and our pupils are renowned for their good sportsmanship.

We take part in competitive sporting events across our school partnership group as well as in the local borough. For example, the annual District Sports Athletic Events at Lea Valley, Football Tournaments at Tottenham Hotspur's Training Ground,  Tag Rugby at Enfield Old Ignations RFC and the London Youth Games at Crystal Palace.


eXtra Club

Welcome to eXtra Club – Merryhills answer to fun, active and healthy life choices!

Our Commitment and Aims

As part of our commitment to giving our pupils the best opportunities and experiences , Merryhills runs a programme of eXtra Clubs. These are fee paying clubs, run by our own staff, offering our children the chance to enjoy a variety of after school activities including sport, gymnastics, art, chess and cooking in a happy, safe and fun environment.  Clubs vary throughout the year and can be open to different year groups at different times.

Our staff run these activities in addition to their normal responsibilities to ensure our pupils have full access to a wide range of enriching  activities.

Some clubs are free of charge and these include League sport clubs and choir which are funded using our Sports Funding and Music Grant.

We recognise that paying fees to join a club may be a barrier to some families and we keep a proportion of spaces at each club back to enable children eligible for pupil premium funding to attend.  Parents/carers are asked to email the office to find out more.

How to book

Bookings are made via Arbor. Bookings will be scheduled to open outside of normal working hours a few days after information has been sent to families. Payment must be made in full at the time of booking via Arbor. Whenever practical we will release information about eXtra clubs to coincide with the Breakfast and Teatime Club bookings window.

Full payment must be paid at the time of booking.  Places are not transferable and the school is unable to offer refunds as per the school’s Charging & Remissions Policy.

How many clubs can my child attend? 

Children can attend more than one club.  Bookings are offered on a first come first served basis and once payment has been received the booking is confirmed. Spaces are limited, and some activities require higher adult:child ratios.

Please ensure that your child’s Class Teacher knows what days your child will be attending eXtra Club (also make sure your child knows the days they will be attending eXtra Club as sometimes they forget!).

Where do I collect my child at the end of eXtra Club?

Most eXtra clubs are released from the main reception or the Year 6 playground, unless advised otherwise.  We request that parents/carers do not wait inside the main foyer as this makes it hard for staff to release children to the correct adults safely.

At the point of booking you will be asked to provide the names & contact details of adults permitted to collect your child from eXtra clubs

What should my child bring/wear for eXtra club?

Children can bring a drink (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks) and a healthy snack (fresh fruit or vegetables) to have before their club starts.

Children should dress appropriately for their activity, for example: joggers, t shirt, warm top and trainers or studded boots for Sports Clubs and Performing Arts; hair tied back for Let’s Cook, Science and Art; normal school uniform for Lego Club, Choir and Chess;wellies and waterproof coat for Forest School. 

My child will need to attend Teatime Club after their eXtra Club

Staff running eXtra Clubs will escort the Teatime club children to the canteen to be registered.  The Teatime Club team has a list of children that attend eXtra Clubs and will arrange for them to eat once they arrive at Teatime Club,  and then join the usual Teatime Club activities around the school.  Full Teatime club fees are payable.

Can I use the car park to collect from eXtra Club?

There will be no access to the school car park at any time.